
The Hiring War

After dozens and dozens of automated rejections, it became clear that anyone looking for a job today is in a war.

Not with the employer, but with the ATS (Application Tracking System) they have put between you and the human that might actually want to hire you. So while your resume might look great on paper and closely match the job description, there may be other factors that are preventing you from getting past the ATS. Sometimes something as simple as using a different abbreviation might be enough to overlook a key skill or attribute.

So we thought that it wasn't fair that the robots only work for the employers, so we built this Resume Review Robot to give job applicants a fighting chance.

What The Reviewer Does (and What it Can't Do)

When you submit the job description and your resume to the site, we're going to do two reviews:

  • First, we're going to conduct a high-level 'paper review' of the job description and then the resume, very similar to the kind of review that a human would conduct. That's going to give you feedback as far as how good a match you appear on paper.
  • Then we're going to take more of a mechanical review. We're going to send everything through a review process. That will pull out the key attributes and skills in the job description and compare those to your resume. This review is meant to simulate the ATS to identify areas where skills match completely, where skills generally overlap, and where skills are missing. It also flags where there might be an issue around terminology or some other subtle difference that's going to return a less than perfect match as far as the ATS is concerned.
  • Finally, we return a report showing the paper match, the mechanical match, and how you compare to the job description and what kind of changes you might want to consider.

What the Reviewer Can't Do

If you're not qualified for a job and don't meet the basic requirements, there's nothing we can do to help.

And we can't help with any hidden requirements. For example, if an employer has set a maximum experience level as a way to weed out older candidates, we're not going to see that and there's no advice we can provide. We can only respond to what is in the actual job description.

Finally, we can't contact the job poster to plead on your behalf or offer any guarantee that using this will get you the job. But we can help you match your resume to the job and represent your qualifications and experience in the best light.